1. Ragazza
2. Be Your Brother
3. Perfect Woman
4. Pourquoi
5. I'm Afraid
6. Warning
7. Mouse Permiss
8. Hit Poin
9. Le Bouton
10. Are You Ready?
11. Get Party
12. Start Up
13. Acid Phase
Ultimate Dance Techno volume one takes you on a journey into
the realm where DJs are at their very best. A blend of
electronica, house and breakbeat fills this compilation CD.
From across the waters these DJs come to show us the future
of techno.
Ultimate DanceTechno is filled with the best and upcoming
DJs from Europe. From Layman, DJ Van't Oost, System Attic,
Buzzer and Student 2 to Yves & Currier, to name a few.
They bring together a vast array of influences and talent to
this collection.
What is already known in Europe comes to the U.S. via
Ultimate Dance Techno volume one. One giant international
party, driven by the hottest DJs.